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2023-07-16 15:46:24

How to Make Free Websites With Google Sites [ Hindi ]

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Hey , everyone .

My name is Darryl .

And today you're going to learn how to create your own digital download website where users can come to your website and purchase a digital download or product .

So here , for example , we're offering icons or ebooks or cooking passes .

You can offer any sort of digital download you want on your website and you don't need to have any sort of experience with wordpress .

Everything this video is for beginners .

So you're brand new to wordpress and you want to go ahead and set up your digital download website today in this video , I'm gonna show you how you can set that up .

Now , let me just kind of give you a tour of the website and show you what you'll be learning today in this video .

So first off , we'll be using a free theme with a one demo importer , which will import the entire website for you .

Make all the pages , you have to spend all the time setting everything up from scratch .

Now , I'm gonna go to my shop page , right ?

Just to kind of give you an example of what you can do on this site .

So here we are offering different products .

So right here you can offer an ebook or cooking instructions or icons or even pieces of software .

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So if you want to offer a template services or you want to sell uh plugins , you can do that with this website .

Now , also I'll be talking about the different type of digital downloads you can offer on your website .

So here we have a product .

Now , this is actually a subscription product .

So if you want to offer products where people can come to your site and pay you every single month or every single week or every single year , you can do that in this video .

Also , if you want to have something where people purchase something on a one time fee such as icons and you can set the price to whatever you want .

I'll show you how you can get set that up in this video .

And the great part about this video is that I really like this interface .

You know , it's very user friendly .

In fact , your users will have their own personal dashboard where they can go ahead and download any product they want , they can see their purchase history .

They can also change their account information as well and they can even update their payment method on their personal dashboard as well .

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So right here , for instance , you know , let's say they've downloaded something in the past , they can click on view details and download and right here they'll always have access to their digital download product .

So you can see right there , the file has downloaded now we'll be using again a free theme and this is really easy to set up .

So if you wanna learn how to create your own digital download websites today , in this video , I'll be showing you step by step on how to do that .

So if you're ready , let's go ahead and get started .

All right , let's get this tutorial started .

So the first thing we'll do is purchase our domain and hosting .

So for example , your website dot com .

After that , we are going to install Wordpress onto our domain and Wordpress power is more than one third of the internet .

So it is by far the most popular platform for making websites .

After that , we're going to install a free theme and import our website for us with a one button demo importer .

And lastly , I'll be showing you how you can set up your website and start selling digital products .

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And I'll also be recommending different services at the end such as uh pro features or something else that you really want to kind of add more functionality to your websites .

I'll be introducing you to those features as well .

Now , there is a link in the description of this video .

It'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is site dot com .

Now , you might be wondering why , why using Sgro dot com .

Well , I actually tested out cy ground against , what was this 15 different other hosting companies ?

And cy came up as number one as the most fastest and the most reliable with the best up time and the best customer support .

In fact , we beat uh they be a host , they be Go go daddy .

They are fast .

That's why in all my videos , I always recommend uh cy ground dot com for hosting now right here .

You can see .

Yeah , you know , I recommend them .

You know , they're great .

Now we scroll down right here and we'll have three plans .

Now .

Not to worry if those of you who are on a budget , not to worry about it because this company offers 24 hour customer support and a 30 day money back guarantee .

So that is pretty cool .

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Now , in all my tutorials guys , all my tutorials , I always recommend the grow big option because with the grow big option , you get to host unlimited websites rather than just a single one .

So that is a pretty big difference .

So uh for those of you who are new here , you'd probably want to go with grow big .

You don't need to go geek , that's too big .

But uh starting out the grow big is perfect .

So right here , I will click on order now , this is your domain .

So this is going to be the one that you type in on the dress up here .

So make sure it's something that you want .

So I'm gonna put , um , my digital download website , see if that is available .

Hopefully it is there , it's available .

All right .

Congratulations .

Now , you're out to this page right here and this page , obviously you're gonna enter in your email , your password .

You're going to basically create an account with SROM here .

You'll enter in your client information and your social security number .

I'm just kidding .

That is a joke .

Everyone I do .

I , I make that joke in all my videos they don't ask for your social .

Nobody asks for your social here .

You'll enter in your card information and everything else .

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And then right here we have purchased information and I'll go ahead and talk about this right now .

So I recommend the 12 months option because you already get the discount using my link and you actually get a larger discount and the month to month it's more expensive because you got to pay a $25 fee , which is just not worth it .

So , uh I recommend the 12 months and also for the extra services , I highly recommend the domain privacy protection and this is gonna save you from spam because I'm telling you guys , if you don't , if you don't have this check , you're gonna get emails from people from all around the country trying to sell you sex pills and , and , and all sorts of weird services .

So just make sure you get the domain privacy protection .

You , you'll really thank me later .

Trust me .

And after that , you'll click on this check box and you'll read through their terms of service and I know everyone out here reads all this stuff .

So you'll have to , you know .

Yeah .

Yeah , you have fun doing that .

Yeah , you have fun doing that .

So you , you read the terms of service privacy policy and once you are done , you'll click on pay .

Now .

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Now I'm actually going to purchase an account with you and I will go ahead and meet you on the very next page .

All right .

So I purchased my hosting account and I am all ready to go .

So once you are ready , you'll click on , proceed to customer area now , right here , they're just basically trying to get you to set up your website .

So right here , I'll just say , ok , I'll start a new website and I want to use wordpress and right now they're trying to get you to set up your , your admin email .

So make sure you enter in something that you'll remember .

So I'm gonna enter in my email right here .

So it is Darryl digital download at yahoo dot com .

I'm gonna set up this right here , Patty Wack 99 9 and then I'll enter in my password .

Make sure you remember this stuff and you can always change this later .

So don't worry about it .

But uh make sure you write this down So you don't want to forget it .

Oops , looks like my password didn't match .

Let's see .

Right here .

Did I answer that ?

And here we go .

It's , you know , Pastor is always weird .

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See , right here I , I'll do this right here .

Let's try it one more time .

There we go .

All right , cool .

So , here I click on confirm and , um , right now I'll click on save .

Sure .

And then I have this all set up .

And um I'm just going to say I don't want to offer this service or I don't want the service .

So I'll , I'll skip that .

I have red and I click on complete set up .

So what is doing for us now ?

It's actually installing wordpress automatically for us on our account .

So we don't have to go through the process of handling it through our C panel .

But you know , I'll show you uh also how you can install wordpress as well onto your C panel just in case you know , it's your first time you want to install it by yourself .

You don't want to use the setup wizard .

I'll be showing you how you can also set up a wordpress through your accounts .

So right here it says proceed to customer area and uh this is it guys .

So this is our account .

So whenever you have a problem with something , you can always give Syron a call , they have 24 hour customer service , you can call them any time of the day .

And um , they also offer a 30 day money back guarantee .

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So , you know , if the video just wasn't for you and you have problems with it , uh Not to worry about it , you can always go ahead and give them a phone call or , you know , talk about whatever you want to talk about .

So right here is our website and uh we can actually access it by clicking on , go to admin C panel .

Now , I'm just gonna quickly show you how you can install wordpress , uh the manual way just in case you want to , you know , do it yourself .

So I'll click on , go to see panel and access C panel securely .

And right here , you just simply click on wordpress and click on install now and then simply just go ahead and select your websites .

You'll go ahead and put in all your information .

Uh Actually right here , the site settings , you can always change this later .

So don't worry , uh the admin user name .

So make sure you put in your admin user name and password , put an email .

And then right here you just click on install .

Now , I already have wordpress installed .

So it's just gonna say that it's already installed .

So uh for those of you who don't have an installation of wordpress , that's basically how you do it .

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So right here , I'll go to my accounts and right here under we , we can see that our site is , it's installed wordpress as a wordpress icon .

You'll click on , go to admin panel and basically this is where we're going to set up our websites .

All right .

So , go ahead and enter in the information I told you to write down .

So mine was , uh , the patty whack 999 .

And then I'll go ahead and enter my password .

Now , if you forgot your password , just click on , lost your password and it's gonna ask your email and it'll basically send you the information to your email .

Ok .

So right here , I'll click on login now , right here .

We have a set up wizard .

Now , I'm actually going to skip all this .

So I'm gonna click on the exit right here and I actually want to disable this plug in .

So , uh , really quickly , I know this might be a little jumping the gun , but I want you to go over here to plugins and go to install plugins and I want to disable this wordpress starter .

That's something that's , that comes with the side .

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I wouldn't really need that .

All right .

So that's basically why we do that .

Now , if you want to see your website right now , it's actually live on the internet .

So I'm over here to visit site right here and this is our website .

It's live on the internet .

Now , we're using a default theme and it doesn't really look good .

So I'll be , I'll be , you know , I'll , I'll give you a , a site or don't worry , we , we'll get there , we'll get there .

Now , over here on our dashboard now , I want to do two things before we start this video .

I want to show you about the Perma links .

So right here , go to settings and go do Perma links .

And right here we have these different options .

Now , you'll change this to post name .

And the reason why we do this is because when we make our website , we want to go to our website dash about us , right ?

Not 209 .

Do you know all this weird stuff ?

So , uh doing this , it's good for seo and it makes your site looks a lot cleaner .

Also , one other thing I want to note is that right here under users , you click on your profile .

Now , right here you have different color schemes and everything else .

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So I'm gonna set mine now whenever you want to change your password or your email , this is where you're going to do it at .

So right here you can change the email and also right here you can generate a new password and then you can also put in whatever password you want .

So that's just a way on how you can update your security information .

Ok .

So right here I'll click on update and um , now if you want to go ahead and kind of just browse around , you know , all this stuff right here , it's , you know , this right here will make a page this right here .

It can make a blog post uh appearance and themes .

These are basically the , the , the themes that you can use .

So there's , you know , there's a lot of free themes out there .

You know , there's a lot of different themes and it's basically the structure of how your website kind of looks .

So you can kind of browse around and just , you know , just kind of get comfortable and say , oh , these are cool , you know , et cetera , but we'll be using a free theme on another website .

Now , there is a link in the description of this video .

It'll take you to a website to purchase , I'm sorry to , to download your free theme .

So this is the theme that we'll be using .

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And again , there is a link below to download this free theme doesn't cost you anything at all .

So once you are here , you'll click on download now and then right here , we'll go ahead and enter in our first name and last name .

So my first name , my last name , I'm gonna give them my email address and I'll click on download now .

All right .

So it's making us a free account .

Ok , cool .

So right here you can see digital download , you can go ahead and download our wordpress theme .

So right here you just click on download and there you go .

So now you can see that the file has downloaded and Now , we're gonna go ahead and upload this to our website .

So let's go back to our website right here .

Now , we have there's various themes , of course .

Now , right here you'll click on upload theme and we're going to upload this theme right here .

So I'm gonna click on , choose the file and I'm gonna go ahead and download or upload that theme right there .

So , the theme that I use right here is right here .

So digital download and I'll click on open and click on install now .


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